

Co-financed by the European Union

Safir is an ambitious project supporting young people and the Sustainable Development Goals in 9 countries across North Africa and the Middle East.

It aims to provide support for more than 1,000 young project leaders involved in projects with social, cultural and environmental impact and to build a regional ecosystem aimed at promoting dialogue between young people and the public authorities.


civil society organisations supported to strengthen their advocacy training methodologies for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


universities supported in the creation or strengthening of innovative spaces, training courses dedicated to social entrepreneurship and to the SDGs and in the adoption of a governance model for social responsibility. 


local networked incubators, which contribute to the creation of a regional guide to innovative social entrepreneurship.


regional study and 2 case studies led on the impact of culture in democratization processes.


civil society organisations supported to strengthen their advocacy training methodologies for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


universities supported in the creation or strengthening of innovative spaces, training courses dedicated to social entrepreneurship and to the SDGs and in the adoption of a governance model for social responsibility. 


local networked incubators, which contribute to the creation of a regional guide to innovative social entrepreneurship.


regional study and 2 case studies led on the impact of culture in democratization processes.

A few snapshots of the projects supported by Safir.
Don’t miss the latest news on the Safir project and its various partners in North AfrIca and the Middle East.
  • Photo-reportage
The Safir Social Entrepreneurship Forum, organised in partnership with…
  • Article
Lab'ess, a Tunisian incubator and member of the Safir consortium,…
  • News in brief
The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), a member of the Safir…
  • Article
Join us at the Safir Forum of social entrepreneurship, organized in…
  • Article
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Upcoming events for the Safir project and its partners

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Projets Safir
The Safir project is above all a community of stakeholders that act in favour of young people and the sustainable development goals.
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Informations Safir

Safir project Governance

The Safir project is implemented by the lnstitut Français, with the financial support of the European Union and in partnership with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Francophone University Agency, AUF), the CFI - Agence Française de Développement Média (the French Media Development Agency) the Arab NGO network for Development, Lab’ess and Pitchworthy

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