Green Fashion

Green Fashion
ODD12 Consommation et production durables


Le porteur de projet
Green Fashion has developed innovative techniques to upcycle and make use of second-hand clothes, producing new pieces with a higher value than the original items ! They make fashionable clothing, without sending waste to landfills - breathing new life into old fabrics.


Le projet

Projet de surcyclage de vêtements et de textiles usagers et de production d'une gamme de vêtements éco-responsables à la mode. Ce projet vise également à créer des opportunités d'emplois pour des personnes marginalisées.

Green Fashion is an Egyptian social enterprise promoting a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle, turning waste fabrics from textile factories into high-quality products such as bags, apparel, footwear, and jeans. 
Green Fashion bases its work on women coming from a village in Menoufia Governorate, in Egypt countryside. 
By empowering these women and providing them a decent and sustainable work, Green Fashion is helping to ensure a good income and a better lifestyle, supporting them and their families educationally, and economically. The company also provides them a medical and mental health support as part of their social responsibility.


L’actu du projet


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