Logo Espace Associatif
Type de l’organisme
Texte de description
Espace Associatif is a Morrocan association, funded in 1996, which contributes to strengthening and promoting the associative movement in favor of democratic development.
It aims at developing the quality and efficiency of the associative network, through :
-strengthening the skills and abilities of associative executives,
- improving the operating environment of the said associations.

The organization of Espace Associatif is based on a double dimension. It relies on an evolving solidarity between political bodies and the management team, together aiming to respond as effectively as possible to the needs of associations for democratic development.

Espace Associatif has more than a hundred member associations, active in the fields of human rights, women's rights, cultural rights, children's rights, the rights of people with disabilities and sustainable development. More than thirty individuals, among the most active and influential economic and social actors in Morocco, are also members.
The Associative Space aims to enhance the associative fabric and develop its creativity of representation. Its intervention in various fields makes it a platform for exchange of associative experiences. All current and future tools incorporate this concern for promotion and exchange, with and between associations, within the framework of associative democratic development action.