Logo Vélorution
Type de l’organisme
Texte de description
The association « Vélorution Tunisie » aims to promote cycling as an alternative to the use of car in urban areas in Tunisia.
It seeks to increase the use of bicycles as a responsible and ecological mean of transportation that is also wary of public spaces.
Our overall objectives:
• To fight against the pollution of the air that is suffocating us and making us sick.
• To create an alternative to the soaring prices of gasoline that are a source of empoverishment.
• To improve public health by preventing chronic diseases resulting from our sedentary lifestyle.
Our strategy:
1 – To advocate toward public authorities to develop an urban equipment that is more suitable for the use of bicycles.
2 – To raise awareness among citizens about the benefits of cycling as an alternative to the use of cars and to share the necessary knowledge and skills to take to cycling.