The Safir Ecosysteme

Find out more about the partners that make up the Safir community: incubators, civil society organisations and universities, and the projects that they support in each country!

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Logo Bidaya


Morocco - Casablanca
Bidaya is a Green Tech social incubator. It is an offshoot of the « SOS Pulse Group », founded in 2015 and located in Casablanca, Morocco.
Bidaya provides support to start-ups with a strong social and environmental impact.

Bidaya is convinced of the need to develop innovative business models to meet the prevailing social and environmental challenges. It is fully dedicated to high impact entrepreurship through 4 activity units: Bidaya incub, the general support program for start-ups; Bidaya funds, the support program for financing companies that have validated their proof of concept; Bidaya Space, the program promoting entrepreneurship with a strong social or environnemental impact; finally, Bidaya Lab, the program for sharing and enhancing the expertise of Bidaya.

Project(s) supported by this organisation: